
JPRI publishes scholarly and journalistic works, in a variety of formats, on Japan and the Pacific Rim.

Working Papers


Occasional Papers


Title Authors Tags Link doc_categories_hfilter doc_tags_hfilter
Assimilation Policy in Okinawa: Promotion, Resistance, and “Reconstruction” Steve Rabson , , asia-pacific china japan northeast-asia occasionalpapers okinawa pacific-war world-war-ii
U.S.-Australia Relations and the Rise of Southeast Asia Andrew MacIntyre , , asia-pacific australia north-america oceania philippines southeast-asia thailand usa workingpapers geopolitics policy trade
APEC--Australia’s Pragmatic Asia Policy? Lincoln Wright , , asia-pacific australia hong-kong japan northeast-asia oceania singapore south-korea taiwan workingpapers southeast-asia apec asian-tigers oecd
The U.S. Government’s Photographic Film and Paper Case Against the Government of Japan Charles Lake , , , , , , asia-pacific critiques japan north-america northeast-asia usa fair-trade-commission ftc fuji-film kodak liberalization miti organization-for-economic-cooperation-and-development
Postwar Japan - A Reminiscence Hans H. Baerwald , , , asia-pacific japan northeast-asia occasionalpapers ghq jcp post-war-japan scap
The Armitage Report: Reading Between the Lines Steven C. Clemons , , , , , asia-pacific japan north-america northeast-asia occasionalpapers usa armitage-report clinton george-w-bush saco special-action-committee-on-okinawa us-military
The Great Hanshin Earthquake/ The Relief Effort Seen by a Participant Glen S. Fukushima, Robert M. Orr, Jr. , asia-pacific japan northeast-asia occasionalpapers hanshin-earthquake kobe
Japanese Cartels Still Block Imports / Tokyo Bureaucrats Rule as Leaders Come and Go Mark Tilton / E. B. Keehn , critiques japan usa northeast-asia asia-pacific north-america bureaucracy u-s-japan-relations
Being “Japanese” in Brazil and Okinawa Kozy K. Amemiya , , asia-pacific brazil guam japan northeast-asia occasionalpapers oceania philippines southeast-asia latin-america culture immigration nationalism
Divided Lenses: Screen Memories of War in East Asia Chiho Sawada and Michael Berry , , , asia-pacific book china japan korea north-america northeast-asia taiwan usa east-asian-cinema korean-war pacific-war sino-japanese-war
Academic Apartheid Revisited Ivan P. Hall , , asia-pacific japan north-america northeast-asia usa workingpapers academic-apartheid diplomacy education
Market Access in the Global Economy: The Problem of Cartels Alan Wm. Wolff , , , , , , , asia-pacific europe north-america northeast-asia workingpapers east-of-burma-agreement european-union gatt international-trade-organization london-agreement oecd trade-liberalization wto
American Military Bases in San Diego and Okinawa / No Double View of Japan Chalmers Johnson, Glen S. Fukushima , , , asia-pacific critiques japan north-america northeast-asia okinawa san-diego usa cold-war security us-military us-japan-status-of-force-agreement
Foreign Teachers in Japanese Universities: An Update JPRI Staff , , , , asia-pacific japan northeast-asia workingpapers academic-apartheid education foreign-teachers gaikokujin-kyoshi japanese-universities
South Korea’s Academic Lobby Bruce Cumings , asia-pacific korea north-korea northeast-asia occasionalpapers south-korea education history
Foreclosing A Japanese Hong Kong: Okinawa, 1967-1972 Thomas R. Howell , , , , asia-pacific hong-kong japan north-america northeast-asia occasionalpapers okinawa usa economy ministry-of-international-trade-and-industr miti ryukyu-islands us-military
Mental Castration, the HIV Scandal, and the Japanese Bureaucracy Masao Miyamoto , , , , asia-pacific japan northeast-asia workingpapers aids amakudari bureaucracy hiv mental-castration
Opening Up Japan to American Lawyers Thomas Flannigan , , , asia-pacific critiques japan north-america northeast-asia usa bengoshi law legal post-war-era
Japan as a Technological Superpower Richard Samuels , , , , , asia-pacific japan northeast-asia workingpapers cals computer-aided-acquisition-and-logistical-support-system manufacturing nics post-cold-war technology
State Suppression of New Religions in Prewar Japan and Its Lessons for Today/ Aum Shinrikyo and Oklahoma Sheldon Garon, Sheila K. Johnson , , , , asia-pacific critiques japan north-america northeast-asia usa aum-shinrikyo oklahoma omotokyo religion state-suppression
After Liberalism: What if Confucianism Becomes the Hegemonic Ethic of the Twenty-first Century? Richard Madsen , , asia-pacific china north-america northeast-asia usa workingpapers confucianism liberalism the-west
Blindside Revisited Eamonn Fingleton , , , asia-pacific critiques japan north-america northeast-asia usa economy ministry-of-finance trade world-war-ii
Japan and the U.S. Suffer a Security Imbalance/ Japanese Security Policy: Stuck in a Time-Warp Tatou Takahama, Edith Terry , , , , , asia-pacific china critiques guam japan north-america northeast-asia oceania okinawa usa acsa clinton michael-powell ryutaro-hashimoto security-policy u-s-japan-security-treaty
The Left in Japanese Politics: Is There Movement Toward a Third Pole? Lonny E. Carlile , , , , , , asia-pacific japan northeast-asia workingpapers ldp liberal-democratic-party new-frontier-party nfp politics sdpj social-democratic-party
Paving Over the Kansai/ On Dango: The Famous "Yokosuka Navy Base Toilet Job" Gavan McCormack, Tom Logan , , asia-pacific japan north-america northeast-asia occasionalpapers usa dango kansai us-military